08 March 2013

Pääsküla Humana

Ma olen juba varem maininud, et Humanad ei ole mu lemmik second handid, üldjuhul pean neid pigem kalliks ja mitte nii kvaliteetse kaubaga poodideks. Muidugi, võib ka neist väga kihvte asju leida. Veidi lihtsam on neil, kes asju veidi ümber teevad pärast, kahjuks olen ma väga kehv õmbleja ja käsitööinimene, niiet minu jaoks peab olema ese nö. kohe kantaval kujul. Pildil olevad riided on ostetud kõik 2€ päeval.
Pääsküla Humana asub Koduselveri teisel korrusel, aadressiga Pärnu maantee 536b, Tallinn. Enamikust Tallinna Humanatest on ta ehk veidi väiksem, aga kaubavalik on minu meelest parem - ilmselt ka seetõttu, et seda poodi külastab tema asukoha tõttu vähem inimesi kui näiteks Kaubamaja oma või Vineeri peatuse juures olevat. Igatahes mulle ta asukoht meeldib, sest sõidan kooli minnes sealt mööda ja kaupluse ees on ka parkimisvõimalus.
Praegu on neil päevahind 1euro, niiet kiirustage ja uus kaup tuleb 13. märtsil. Kes veel ei tea, siis Humana kodulehe leiab SIIT, kust leiab info kaupluste aadresside, lahtioleku aegade ja uue kauba päevade kohta.

I have said before that Humana thrift store chain is not in my list of favorites, since I see them as too expensive and with poor quality. Although  there can still be found few cool things. I think it is easier for those who later can remake their clothes, but since I am a bad at remaking so I need my things to be ready to use.
Pääsküla Humana is located at the second floor, above Selver (Pärnu mnt 536b). Most Humana stores in Tallinn are bigger, but in this one the selection seems to be better. It might be because of its location, less people will visit the place than for example the Humana in Kaubamaja or at Vineeri stop. Anyhow, I really like the location, since I drive pass it on my way to school and they have a parking possibility as well.
At the moment they have a 1 euro as a price of the day, so people, hurry up and the new stuff will be in at the 13th. For those who don't yet know, you can find Humana homepage HERE, where you can find the location of each store, the time they stay open and when the new stuff arrives. All clothes you see on the images I bought last time, when they had 2€ as a price of the day.

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