17 August 2013

OOTD - 17.08.2013

Mul pole juba mõnda aega olnud nädalavahetust, kus ei pea kusagile minema, keegi ei tule külla ning ma saan lihtsalt nautida päeva oma pisikese perega. Seega on ka tänane riietus mugav ja igapäevane ning üksjagu soe, sest sel ajal kui meie jalutamas käisime ja need mõned pildid tegime sadas tegelikult vihma. Iseenesest kuulus outfiti juurde ka vihmavari, aga otsustasin selle jätta kaadritagustele piltidele. Vihma tõttu sai pildid klõpsitud üsna ruttu, niiet seetõttu ainult kaks üldist pilti.

It has been a while, when I had a free weekend, where I had nothing to do and noone to host, so I just enjoyed the day with my little family. My outfit today is casual, comfortable and warm, because the whole time we were outside it was raining. I had an umbrella as well, that goes with the outfit, but I decided to leave those pictures for behind the camera looks. Because of the rain, we made only few pictures, so here are two of them for you.

Kaltsukast/ from second hand shop:
Kott/ bag: Keila "Sõbralt Sõbrale"
Ketsid/ sneakers: Keila "Sõbralt Sõbrale"
Teksad/ jeans: stiilipood.ee (ei eksisteeri enam)/ stiilipood.ee (does not exist anymore)

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