Laupäeval sain Repeatis kokku loosimise võitja Airetiga. Näitan teile blogis komplekti, mille talle koos välja valisime ja mille Airet endale sai. Ülejäänud fotosid riiete valimisest ja erinevatest esemetest, mida proovisime näeb aga blogi facebookist SIIT.
Laupäev oli poes mõnusalt rahulik, kus külastajaid vähem kui tööpäeval, nii ei jäänud me paraja hunniku riiete proovimisel ega pildistamisel teistele külastajatele ette. Samas oli aga kliente piisavalt, et mitte inimesi ära hirmutada. Endal oleks mul küll veider olla poes, kus inimesed shoppamist pildistavad ja ma ainuke klient oleks. Vaataks ehk kohmetult ringi ja seejärel vaikselt kaoks.
Avastasin, et väga raske on kellelegi teisele riideid valida, ilma et enda stiili peale suruks. Kergesti jäävad ju silma esemed, mida ise kannaks. Nägin ma poes nii mõndagi, mida oleks ise hea meelega proovima läinud, aga need riided jäävad teiseks korraks. Äärmiselt veider oleks olnud ise shoppama, kui olin seal ju kellegi teise jaoks. Ühed kingad ma siiski kaasa haarasin. Airetilt eelnevalt juba uurides teadsin, et ta ei ole väga suur mustri fänn ja salamisi ta erinevaid fotosi uurides jäi silma, et riietub ta pigem tagasihoidlikult, kuid naiselikult. Dresse ja botaseid ta seljast ei leia.
On Saturday I met with the winner of my giveaway - Airet. I will show the set we picked out for her that she recieved. Rest of the photos about the process of picking and trying on clothes and accessories are available on my blog's facebook HERE.
Saturday at the store was peaceful, there were less shoppers than on a workday, which meant that we didn't distract other customers while shopping and trying clothes on. Thankfully thre were enough people to not scare others off, too. I would feel weird being in a store where people are taking photographs about their outfits and I'm the only other customer. I would look around awkwardly and then silently disappear.
I also discovered that it is rather hard to shop for other people without forcing your own style on them. It's much easier to spot items you would wear yourself. I saw quite a few items I would love to try on, but maybe in the future. It would have been more than weird to start shopping for myself when I was there to find an outfit for her. But I still managed to get a pair of shoes! From my previous interaction I had found out that Airet isn't a big fan on prints and from her photos I observed that she usually dresses modestly, but feminine. You won't find her wearing a tracksuit and sneakers.
Riideid valisime Airetiga koos ja ühtegi asja, mis talle ikka ei meeldinud ma vägisi selga panna ei palunud. Kokku läks proovimisele ikka väga paras ports riideid ja kui mu elukaaslane, kes pildistamas käis ütles, et tema küll ei viitsiks sellist hunnikut proovida, siis minu meelest see just asja võlu ongi. Lisaks olid meil abiks poe toredad omanikud, tänu kellele see loosimine ju üldse toimus.
Mina soovisin, et komplekt jääks tema enda stiili lähedane. Mitte et Airet sellega koju läheb ja tegelikkuses seda enam kunagi selga ei paneks. Komplekt sai üsna klassikaline - mustad peene triibuga püksid, must peplum pluus, mustad wedged, väikese pilgupüüdja leidsin rohelise jaki ja mustrilise koti näol.
All the clothes were picked togheter and I didn't make her try on anything she didn't like. Altogether she tried on quite a lot of clothes and even though my boyfriend, who took the photos, said that he would never try on so many clothes, I still find that part to be the beauty of it. Also, we had help from the friendly store owners thanks to whom the giveaway was possible.
I wished that the outfit would be close to her own style, so Airet wouldn't go home and never wear it again. The outfit we ended up with was classical - black trousers with white thin stripes, black peplum blouse, black wedges and for eyecatchers a green coat and a printed bag.
Kõik riided, jalanõud ja kott pärinevad Repeatist/ All clothes, wedges and bag are from Repeat |
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