Näitan teile täna kahte ostu, mis jäid tegelikult juba eelmisesse aastasse, aga teieni veel pole jõudnud tuua.
Sall on ostetud Leiupoest. Käisin proovimas ühte ilusat naiselikku pluusi, mis nagu broneeritud asjade puhul ikka, mulle suuruselt ei sobinud. Proovisin veel nipet-näpet, aga miski polnud päris see, kuni ma märkasin seda pealuudega salli. Ma ei ole üdiselt väga pealuudega esemete austaja ja pigem nad mulle ei meeldi, aga miski selle salli juures jäi kripeldama, niiet ma ostsin ta ära. Kandsin seda ka juba ühes varasemas outfti postituses.
Kingad on ostetud Repeatist kui käisin seal facebookis toimunud loosimise võitjaga. Kui Airetile olid juba esemed välja valitud, siis lippasin kiiresti proovima varem silma jäänud kingi. Kõik tundus ilus ja saidki ära ostetud, tegelikult on nende puhul üks väga suur aga... Nimelt on üks neist suuruses 38 ja teine 39. Proovisin neid kiiruga, sest ma ei läinud ju Repeati tookord tegelikult ise shoppama, vaid olin seal loosimise võitja jaoks. Lisaks on Repeatis väljas enamus jalanõudest ainult üks ja teine kastis, kust see välja otsitakse. Poodi ma juhtunus kindlasti ei süüdista ja usun, et nad isegi ei olnud erinevatest suurustest teadlikud. Arvan, et kui kingad oleks kõrvuti olnud, siis oleks ehk kergemini viga märganud. Huumoriga asja võttes, siis kingad on tõepoolest väga uued - eks need oma suuruste pärast üldse kaltsukasse kunagi jõudnud on.
Today I show you two items I bought last year, but haven't yet got a change to post about.
Scarf was bought from Leiupood. I went there to try on one beautiful feminine blouse, but as it is often with reserved items, the size wasn't right. I tried on few other things, but nothing impressed me until I noticed a scarf with skulls on it. I don't usually go for anything with skulls on them, but I made an exception for this scarf. I also wore it a little time back on one of my outfits.
Shoes I got from Repeat when I was there with giveaway winner. When Airet had all the items ready and chosen, I quickly sneaked to try these on. They both seemed so pretty and I bought them, but there is one big BUT with them - one shoe is size 5 and other one is 6. I made a really quick fitting in the store, because I was there for the winner not to do my shopping. Also with Repeat, they have usually only one shoe on show and other one in some box somewhere. I don't blame the store, because they probably had no idea that shoes had different sizes.To take it with a little joke, the shoes are pretty new thanks to their sizes - they ended up in the store probably because of the that.
Shoes I got from Repeat when I was there with giveaway winner. When Airet had all the items ready and chosen, I quickly sneaked to try these on. They both seemed so pretty and I bought them, but there is one big BUT with them - one shoe is size 5 and other one is 6. I made a really quick fitting in the store, because I was there for the winner not to do my shopping. Also with Repeat, they have usually only one shoe on show and other one in some box somewhere. I don't blame the store, because they probably had no idea that shoes had different sizes.To take it with a little joke, the shoes are pretty new thanks to their sizes - they ended up in the store probably because of the that.
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6€ |
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4.50€ |
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